
officina di architettura

NEW YORK – Appartamento privato

Il progetto preliminare prevede la nuova distribuzione interna di un’ampia zona soggiorno di un appartamento nelle Silver Tower, a NY. La richiesta del committente è quella di realizzare uno spazio polifunzionale che possa accogliere una zona soggiorno, una zona pranzo e uno spazio-gioco per bambini, nel quale i colori giochino un ruolo fondamentale nell’armonizzare l’ambiente.

The design provides a young, cool and full colored solution. The space, the furnitures and the colors are mixed to give the ultimate interior experience that the customers can have.

The project divides the room into 3 areas:
the living room, a large space with two sofas in which the customers can speak with family and friends, watch the TV or read a book;
the dining room, with a comfortable table for 6 or 8 people, near the smaller window and with the vision of the painting that the customers like;
the kids’ area, the space where the children can play in a fairy setting with comfortable carpet and surfaces.

The wall on the right is full colored and equipped with yellow wall shelves that receive the TV and the work desk.
All the furnitures are from IKEA, in order to facilitate the purchase. Most of the furniture is from the Stockholm collection and the Besta system, mixed to coordinate the color (green and yellow) and the styles to give a functional and pleasant solution.
And the kids will be very happy to play in their big home circus!

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